Teaching Your Kids About The Business World

Hello, I am Jheri Kimm. I am excited to help you learn how to introduce your child to the business world. Kids are natural entrepreneurs who quickly learn how to operate their own business. You must teach kids about the basics, such as inventory management, budgeting and marketing, to help them achieve success in this realm. Once kids understand the basics, there is no stopping them from running a multitude of business operations in their neighborhood. Kids can sell lemonade, bracelets, pottery and many other handmade products. Please come back often to discover the best way to assist your child with their business endeavors. Thank you.

How To Avoid A Bee Sting Lawsuit At Your Clothing Store

Business Articles

As a clothing shop owner, you have a duty to protect your customers while they're on your premises. With 1-2 people per every thousand being allergic or hypersensitive to bee or wasp stings, part of this protection includes doing your best to make sure none of your customers get stung while browsing your goods. Below you'll find 4 ways you can prevent facing a bee sting liability suit by limiting the chances of bees taking up shelter around your store.

Limit Outdoor Displays

The more racks, shelves, and products you have sitting in front of your store on the sidewalk, the more places you have for bees to build nests in those things. Furthermore, fuzzy fabrics such as corduroy attract bees because they resemble predators, and bees are territorial.

Instead of dragging out a bunch of your products to lure customers in with a sidewalk sale, consider having that sale inside and using your outdoor space to put up a few signs alerting the public of the sale. If you must put clothing racks in front of your store, look for rack designs that don't have any hollow spaces in them, and only display smooth-textured clothing.

Limit Water Sources

Bees don't only drink water -- they also use it to dilute crystallized honey and cool off their hives when temperatures rise. As such, having a water source readily available near your clothing store boosts the odds of bees finding the property a favorable place to build a nest. Make sure any outdoor water spigots on your store property are turned off tightly and that you're dumping the water out of any potted plants' drainage dishes after watering them.

If your store has window air conditioners, check their drains regularly and clean out any debris that might clog the system and allow water to build up in the condenser trays. 

Redo Your Flower Beds

Bees' favorite flowers are those that are blue, yellow, purple, or white in color and that are highly fragrant with plenty of pollen. If your store landscaping is filled with flowers of this nature, you're attracting bees to the property. Consider replanting your store's flower beds with marigolds and plenty of red-colored flowers. Marigolds emit a strong odor that is unfavorable to bees, and most red flowers absorb ultraviolet rays, which bees don't like.

If you don't like the color red, look for pollen-free F1 hybrid flowers. Some hybrid flowers are bred for cutting instead of seeds, so they don't contain bee-luring pollen. 

Maintain Outdoor Trash Bins

If you've got an open garbage bin situated outside your store door for people to drop in their drinks or food scraps before entering your store, you could be luring bees to the property. Bees have great senses of smell. Honey bees, for example, have 170 odor receptors located along their antennas. These odor receptors can alert them of a sweet smell while they're in flight and lure them to the ground to look for the tasty treat emitting that smell.

Make sure any garbage bins on your store property have tight-fitting lids and that you change the bags and wash the bins out regularly. After washing your garbage bins, mix a solution of 80 percent Pine Sol and 20 percent water and spray the inside of the bins with it. Bees and wasps don't like the scent of pine, so the solution will deter them from hitting up your store garbage in search of food.

As a clothing store owner, the last thing you want is to face a lawsuit because one of your customers got stung by a bee while they were shopping for a new pair of slacks. Take the steps above to protect your customers by limiting the likelihood of a bee problem at your business. For more tips on how to deter bees or for help dealing with an already established bee problem, contact a bee removal service with a company like U.S. Pest Control.


16 June 2016